18 million dinars from Mozart through the action "Humanitarian Ticket at Noon"!

Celebrities are betting, Mozzart is donating - this team game for humanity purposes is constantly increasing the solidarity fund, which at the beginning of 2021 exceeded the limit of as much as 18 million dinars! The regional leader in the field of games of chance pays 10,000 dinars every day in the action "Humanitarian Ticket at Noon", and actors, musicians, athletes, TV personalities and other celebrities on the portal www.mozzartsport.com predict outcome of matches. The excitement grows whenever a match is successfully predicted, because the profits are directed to children's treatment foundations, numerous associations, centers, hospitals…
With the first winning ticket in January, which was played brilliantly by Bogdan Radivojević, deputy captain of the Serbian national handball team, the total amount collected through this action now amounts to 18,053,694.00 dinars!
- Not a single day has passed over the last four and a half years without a famous person compiling a noble ticket on our sports portal. Everyone is happy to respond, and when the ticket wins, they choose themselves to whom Mozzart will pay the winnings. In that way, we managed to help numerous institutions and individuals, but also to provide continuous support to those who need it the most, such as foundations for the treatment of children. So far, the aid has gone to more than 80 addresses - said Borjan Popovic, director of Corporate Communications at Mozzart.
December is, traditionally, the month of humanity in Mozzart, when every noble ticket wins in some way. The minimum amount of 10,000 dinars that the company donates is also a guaranteed winning, so a minimum of 310,000 dinars was collected in that period for the solidarity fund. In the days before the New Year’s holiday, as much as one million dinars were collected, because only Danilo Andjusic’s winning was worth 236,600 dinars, and the company itself enlarged the fund which was used for the purchase of gifts to numerous institutions.
In 2020, Mozzart donated 3,433,904 dinars to many addresses, while the total fund has now exceeded 18 million dinars. Winnings were often higher than 100,000 dinars, because the guests "at noon" were very lucky with odds over 10. It is not only athletes who bet on the "ten", recently a significant contribution to the fund was made by actresses Olja Lević, Marta Bjelica, film director Ana Marija Rosi...
Donation to centers that collect aid for the treatment of children is a very common wish of the participants in the sports betting. The leader in organizing games of chance paid the funds from the winning tickets to the addresses of the foundations Budi human, Podrži život, donations also went to Zvečanska child institution, for NORBS (National Organization for Rare Diseases), for the maternity hospital in Šabac, Society for the Care of Children and Youth with special needs "Moj svet" from Indjija, Center for Palliative Care BelHoscpice...
The record holder of the humanitarian ticket is the famous ex-Yugoslav and Split football player Ivica Šurjak, who made a win of 823,600 dinars and granted it to the Association of Parents of Children Suffering from Malignant Diseases “Zvončica”.
Many famous people from the Region and Europe also took part in the action "Humanitarian Ticket at Noon": Spanish basketball coach Xavi Pascual, ex Everton goalkeeper Jan Muha, football player from the North Macedonia Goran Pandev, legends of ex-YU sport: Dino Rađa, Damir Šolman, Aleksandar Petrović, Safet Sušić, Blaž Slišković, Robert Prosinečki, Petar Skansi, actors from the Region Jelena Perčin, Momčilo Otašević…