Career development
In addition to knowledge of the strategic goals of the company, development areas, interests and motivation of employees, the imperative in staff development is a deeper knowledge of the business context within which development should take place. Systematic dealing with human development involves knowing the job description, the processes that employees manage, the micro environment in which they work, as well as the services they provide to internal and/ or external clients.
We develop „development“
People do not change, they develop. Our guiding principle in business is that the development of people goes in two parallel directions, and those are the development of competencies and profession as one and knowledge of business as another. In practice, this means that we are constantly getting to know current business initiatives, new products, current projects, processes in which we expect change as the end effect of development. Knowledge of business and the role of employees gives us the necessary broader perspective on the basis of which we recognize the interconnectedness of the processes and the internal knowledge base that is the source of valuable development opportunities.

We invest in the career development of our employees through the following activities:
It is human nature to grow and develop. When this development is linked to the needs of the individual and professional goals, we are more satisfied, competent and motivated to achieve top business results. The company provides various modalities of development, including internal and external training, standardized training program for operators for points of sale, mentoring training. The developed system of internal knowledge transfer is a step towards the development of a learning culture and the preparation of colleagues for work in other markets.
Being acquainted with current market trends and business needs, we provide employees with training in the professional field of work, which means paid attendance of employees at conferences, trainings, seminars and various educational meetings.
We encourage individual development through mastering specific knowledge and skills and supporting career advancement. We developed a model for creating and implementing individual development plans to support the structured development of individuals with the active support of managers.
We create career development paths for an increasing number of jobs. The further path of the employee's progress, as well as the acquisition of the right to specific benefits are clearly defined through specific guidelines and criteria.